City of Lewes
City of Lewes
Now Hiring Certified Applicants
The City of Lewes Police Department places a high value on our citizens, business community and police employees while we strive to provide professional public safety to our City in the safest community in Delaware. Our officers are accustomed to busy beach days and quiet nights in town and are looking for professional and accountable officers who are willing to be part of and engage with the fast growing community that we serve.
The responsibility for peace, good order, and the observance of laws rests with the citizens in Lewes as it does in any community of citizens in a democratic society. The role of the Lewes Police Department is to supplement and aid community efforts, not supplant them. Only if the proper balance between the responsibilities of the community and the responsibilities of the police is maintained can a safe and orderly society be preserved with the least burden on individual rights and freedom.

Competitive Compensation and Benefits Package
Lewes PD provides a competitive compensation package that includes:
- Salary: $75,000
- Healthcare: Comprehensive medical and dental insurance coverage.
- Leave Benefits: Paid vacation, sick leave, and holidays.
- Take-Home Vehicle: Officers may benefit from the take-home vehicle policy.
- Overtime Opportunities: Additional earnings through overtime work.
- Shift Schedule: 12-hour shifts with every other weekend off.
- Retirement Plan: Retirement benefits via the State Municipal Police Pension.
- FOP Membership: Officers are part of the FOP Lodge 22 Collective Bargaining Unit (CBU).

Essential Qualifications for Lewes Police Department Candidates
Prospective applicants must meet the following qualifications:
- U.S. Citizenship: All candidates must be U.S. citizens.
- Age: Applicants must be 21 years old by the time they complete the academy.
- Examinations: A physical fitness test and a written exam must be successfully passed.
- Background Check: A comprehensive background investigation is required.
- Medical and Psychological Assessments: Candidates must pass medical and psychological evaluations to ensure they are fit for duty.